What should you wear to the office during the summer? How do you dress when “summer casual” is the standard? What’s appropriate will vary from company to company, but there are a few basic guidelines, no matter where you work.
1. Flip-flops are out, no matter what office you work in. This goes for both men and women!
2. If it looks like it should be worn at the beach, save it for the beach. This includes sundresses or spaghetti straps for women, tropical patterned shorts and tank tops for men.
3. Too much skin is not “in.”
• Short shorts or miniskirts
• Sleeveless shirts
• Halter tops
• Low cut tops or sheer fabric
4. Don’t let business casual turn into ballpark casual, night on the town casual or just plain TOO casual.
5. Keep it clean. A relaxed dress code doesn’t mean you can be a slob. No wrinkles, stains or faded clothing.
When in doubt, take note of what others are wearing in your office or consult your staffing rep. Become familiar with your company’s dress code and–no matter how hot it gets–don’t push it.