For years, industrial businesses have had difficulty finding enough qualified mechanics to fill their maintenance openings. You’re not alone. Sometimes, businesses need to adapt to the times to expand the pool of candidates available to us. And sometimes, businesses just need a little help.
There are several steps you can take to find more Maintenance Technicians. Companies that can think creatively about where to find talent, what qualified candidates look like, and how to grow the pool of viable candidates will be able to fill these essential positions that will keep your light industrial running.
Scout Talent From Nearby Technical Academies
For too long, we’ve been stuck in the thinking that the only decent Industrial Maintenance Technicians are those who have years of experience to their name. But you might be surprised to learn that your options could significantly increase by taking an interest in the up-and-comers closing in on graduation.
There are several advantages to recruiting a newer professional who is fresh and ready to learn the ropes. Most importantly, younger workers are, by and large, more adaptable to change. As they are working to make a name for themself, they are also more willing to try new things. These are great workers you can train to become experts in the specific systems and equipment on your shop floor.
Additionally, workers who feel they are being supported are much less likely to always be on the lookout for other opportunities. So it is likely you can also reduce your turnover by demonstrating your commitment to your employees for the long run.
Many of these newer professionals bring new ideas and techniques that can transform or streamline your shop’s maintenance procedures. Getting access to these students can be tricky, though. Opening a kiosk at job fairs might be an excellent way to draw attention to recruitment. However, a more effective tool is offering internships to the best students and transitioning them to full-time once they graduate if they pass muster.
Consider Diversifying Your Workforce
One of the most effective ways to find more talent is to tap previously untapped or underrepresented groups. Consider these two statistics: only 5.3% of all Industrial Maintenance Technicians are women, while 87.3% are men (with a small percentage abstaining from identifying). The overwhelming majority of Maintenance Technicians are White (65.1%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (17.1%) and African American (10.7%).
While many businesses are already keen to diversify their workforce, they may not know where to start. It is true that white men make up the majority of the current pool of candidates for Industrial Maintenance Technician roles. But it has also been true that many highly qualified candidates self-select themselves out of a workforce in which their race or gender is not well represented.
Sometimes, to create more diversity in your industry, and by proxy, increase the pool of viable candidates, employers must be willing to jump-start the process somewhat. Whether that’s by:
- Working with recruiters who make a priority of providing a more diverse selection of candidates.
- Highlight a more diverse workforce on your website and digital presence.
- Similar to recruiting young workers, hire under-qualified candidates who show promise and up-train them to become Maintenance Technicians.
While this is taking a long-game approach to growing your viable pool of candidates, you are also in business for the long haul. Those businesses who think creatively about how to grow the community of mechanics will be the ones most likely to profit from those steps later on.
Recruit Veterans
The military needs maintenance technicians to keep their equipment up and running, and their contract workers have invaluable experience. Those who serve our country’s armed forces as technicians won’t always have a long-term career there, and once they are discharged from their military contracts, they’ll be looking for a private-sector position.
These military-grade technicians, especially those with the 91 Bravo designation, will not only have a great deal of firsthand experience and discipline.
Due to the military nature of their training, they’ll also have possibly dipped their toes into creative maintenance practices. These technicians will have a more creative take on maintaining your facilities and understand how to make the most of the resources on hand.
Depending on where they were performing their duties, they might not have had the resources to rely on conventional maintenance practices. So, considering a veteran as your full-time technician could net you a remarkable employee.
Take Advantage of Recruitment Firms
Hiring is not something you have to do alone. It can be a fast, efficient method for overcoming the shortage of professionals by pooling resources with a 3rd party with minimal risk. Many companies might view recruiter firms as mere competition, but they can serve as a valuable ally in your search for the ideal employee.
Your recruiting partner will seek out candidates with a more comprehensive geographical range than might otherwise be possible while adhering to the specific qualifications you are after. Today’s businesses need to adapt their hiring strategy to find and attract new candidates. We at Vector Technical focus on finding qualified technical talent and placing them where they are most severely needed. If you are finding yourself struggling with your search for your next maintenance technician, please contact us at any time. We’d be happy to help you find your next hire.