How to Effectively Explain Your Work Experiences in a Quick Phone Interview

In many cases, a phone interview is a screening step that hiring managers use to narrow down the candidate pool. The hiring manager is trying to determine which of the applicants have the most potential, and they want to be as quick about it as possible. As a result, the questions aren’t usually as in-depth as they are for in-person or video interviews.

At times, this makes things challenging for candidates. Often, you have less time to highlight why you’re a great match for the role. As a result, you need a reliable strategy to ensure you can explain your work experiences effectively within the timeframe allotted.

If you’re looking for some amazing phone interview tips and help landing a new position, using the right approach when discussing your work experience is a must. With that in mind, here are some ways to effectively explain your work experience in a phone interview, increasing the odds that you’ll move forward in the process.

Ready an Elevator Pitch

During a phone interview, there’s a decent chance the hiring manager will ask you to tell them about yourself. This isn’t an invitation for a lengthy overview of your life. Instead, it’s time for an elevator pitch.

An elevator pitch is a short synopsis or what you bring to the table, usually taking no longer than 30 seconds. You want to create a few sentences that give an overview of your career and why you’re an excellent match for the job, touching on key skills and traits that align with the position.

Create a Highlight Reel

When you’re practicing for a phone interview, focus on creating a relevant highlight reel of examples. Use the job description as your guide, particularly the must-have skills and experience list. Then, choose examples from your past that best align with the top points on the list.

By getting comfortable with those examples, you can use them when you’re asked a relating question with ease. That will make showcasing a relevant achievement simpler, increasing the odds that you can discuss it concisely.

Prepare a Timeline

In a phone interview, you might be asked to tell the hiring manager about your work experience. With that prompt, the hiring manager is usually looking for an overview of your past relevant positions.

Usually, your best approach is a quick chronological rundown. Start with either your education or the entry-level position that brought you into the field, depending on which happened first. Next, give a quick overview of how you advanced, touching on key skills you acquired along the way.

Once you get to your current (or last) position, give it a little more emphasis. Discuss the role and what you’ve learned thus far. Then, pivot and talk about your excitement for the future, as well as this specific opportunity.

Usually, you want to be able to go over your timeline in about one to two minutes, depending on the level of the position and the length of your career. The goal isn’t to dive into too many details but to give a solid synopsis that leaves the hiring manager interested in learning more.

Is It Time for a New Job in Cleveland?

If you’re focused on finding work in Cleveland, using the phone interview tips and help above is a smart choice. However, partnering with a staffing firm is also a great move. By contacting the recruitment team at Vector Technical Inc., you can start your job search off quickly and efficiently.

If you want to get started right away, take a trip to our website. There, you can find out more about our current open jobs in Cleveland, send in your online application, and otherwise get the ball rolling today.
