Four Books to Read During Your Downtime to Help You Become a Better Leader

Amazing leaders never stop looking for ways to stay ahead. They understand that learning is a critical part of their success, so they seek out opportunities to enhance their capabilities and further their knowledge, particularly when it comes to management.

Guiding your permanent employees and short-term workers from staffing firms in Mentor, Ohio, effectively requires certain skills and know-how. If you want to make sure you are well-equipped to thrive as a leader, here are four books that can help you reach new heights.

1. Thanks for the Feedback – Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen

Good communication is critical for success. This book acknowledges that fact, focusing on the topic of feedback. But it doesn’t cover the angle you might expect. Instead of discussing how to give feedback, this book concentrates on how feedback is received.

In many cases, employees want to learn and grow, but there’s also an innate desire to be good just as they are right now. Depending on how feedback is provided, a person could end up motivated to better themselves. However, it could just as quickly leave them disheartened or frustrated. This book helps you choose approaches that produce the former results instead of the latter, making you more effective as a leader.

2. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There – Marshall Goldsmith

Many leaders – particularly new managers – struggle with a simple concept. Often, the skills that helped them get to where they are today aren’t the skills that will keep them moving forward.

This book focuses on that fact, providing tips and insights that can ensure leaders are positioning themselves for future growth. It gives managers the ability to keep their careers from stagnating, all while being a more effective leader.

3. Powerful – Patty McCord

Many workplaces tout themselves as “high performance” cultures. While this isn’t innately an issue, many of them use the wrong approach when it comes to motivating their staff. Constantly waving pay raises, perks, and promotions as incentives for better productivity isn’t always ideal.

This book covers how embracing a different methodology can be vastly more effective at boosting performance. It focuses on a variety of core tenets that can lead to greater, long-lasting success, empowering managers to examine motivation in a whole new light.

4. Radical Candor – Kim Scott

With useful feedback, you can help your employees reach greater heights. The issue is, many leaders struggle with how to deliver constructive feedback, particularly in a way that spurs growth.

In this book, you’ll learn techniques that can make delivering meaningful and actionable feedback second nature. Plus, it guides how to make feedback a part of your culture, which can be incredibly beneficial.

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