Crafting Your Dream Workforce

Crafting your dream workforce takes time. You must select the right candidates for long-term success within your organization.

Partnering with a recruitment agency that specializes in your industry can help craft your dream workforce. You gain access to vetted candidates and guaranteed satisfaction with your hiring decisions. These factors help lower your hiring costs and strengthen your bottom line.

Consider using these methods to craft your dream workforce.

Offer a Flexible Employee Benefits Plan

A flexible employee benefits plan includes core benefits such as health insurance, a retirement plan, and paid time off (PTO) along with optional benefits to enhance the employee’s workplace experience and lifestyle. Examples include life insurance, child care reimbursement, tuition assistance, and pet insurance.

Advantages of a flexible employee benefits plan

Offering a flexible employee benefits plan provides many advantages:

  • Candidates are likely to accept job offers from companies that offer flexible benefits.
  • Flexible benefits empower employees and elevate job satisfaction.
  • Employees who receive customized employer support typically remain engaged and productive.
  • Offering employee-selected benefits helps find and keep top talent.
  • Providing benefits your employees desire helps control costs.

Use Pre-Employment Screening

Pre-employment screening helps ensure the candidate’s resume information is accurate. These activities support a safe work environment, enhance your company’s reputation, and protect its assets.

Pre-screening helps determine whether a candidate has relevant job skills and experience and fits with your company’s culture. For instance, you can verify the candidate’s education, provide a skills assessment, and conduct a criminal background check to look for red flags. These activities increase the likelihood of hiring a candidate who fits with your organization and will remain long-term.

Types of pre-employment screening

There are many types of pre-employment screening:

  • Skill assessments determine a candidate’s ability to perform specific job-related tasks. These hands-on tasks or computer-based simulations typically are given during or after an interview to measure the candidate’s proficiency.
  • A drug screen uncovers whether the candidate uses illegal substances. This screening process is especially important in manufacturing and other industries that rely on safety.
  • Education verification checks with educational institutions to verify a candidate’s certificates and degrees. This information helps determine whether the candidate has the required education for the role.
  • Employment history verification confirms the accuracy of a candidate’s job titles, duties and responsibilities, and duration in each role. These details help you understand the candidate’s professional experience and career growth. They also can uncover potential discrepancies in their resume.
  • Professional reference checks include contacting former employers, colleagues, and coworkers to gather insights into a candidate’s work ethic, professionalism, character, and interpersonal skills.
  • A criminal background check searches local and national databases to determine whether a candidate has any felonies, misdemeanors, ongoing legal issues, or related criminal history. You can use the information to evaluate the potential risks related to hiring the candidate.
  • A credit check provides insight into a candidate’s financial health. The results indicate how responsible the candidate is at managing finances, which might be relevant to the role.

Guidelines to select relevant pre-employment screening methods

The types of pre-employment screening you use depend on the scope and complexity of your needs and the candidate’s availability. Therefore, the screening process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Use these guidelines to choose the most relevant pre-employment screening methods:

  • Consider the job description: Focus on the skills, qualities, and personality needed to excel in the role.
  • Focus on your budget: Include how much time and money you can invest in pre-screening.
  • Include the legal guidelines and regulations: The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Ban-the-Box Laws, and state-specific laws impact the use of pre-employment screening. 

Work with a Recruitment Agency

Partner with a recruitment agency that specializes in your industry:

  • The agency has a vast, deep network of experienced candidates to fill your workforce needs.
  • An agency recruiter works to understand your company’s culture, unique hiring needs, and other relevant information.
  • The recruiter refers a few vetted candidates to interview.
  • You extend a job offer to the chosen candidate.
  • The recruiter assists with onboarding.
  • You can request a replacement at no charge if the new hire does not work out.

Reasons Why Ohio Employers Partner with Vector Technical

Ohio employers partner with Vector Technical for many reasons:

  • Access to highly qualified candidates
  • Decreased time to hire
  • Improved employee retention
  • Reduced hiring risks
  • Greater return on investment (ROI)

Take Advantage of Vector Technical’s PAR Excellence Hiring Process

Vector Technical’s PAR Excellence process offers a scientific approach to hiring. Rather than using skill matching and instinct, our objective, performance-based process helps identify top performers. As a result, we can help craft your dream workforce.

PAR Excellence hiring process

Our Par Excellence hiring process involves three steps:


  • Develop a detailed Position Profile with the hiring manager
  • Interview current high achievers to validate their job duties and skill requirements


  • Benchmark current high-achieving employees on critical skills to determine the performance standards
  • Calibrate the acceptable performance criteria


  • Recruit and evaluate candidates using the defined performance benchmarks
  • Candidates who meet or exceed the requirements are referred to relevant clients

We use this process to help each client fill their hiring needs and create their dream workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions About the PAR Excellence Hiring Process

The following are answers to frequently asked questions about Vector Technical’s PAR Excellence hiring process:

  • Is PAR Excellence as expensive as it sounds? No, the PAR Excellence process is available to each client at no additional charge.
  • Is PAR Excellence as much work as it sounds like? No, the PAR Excellence process requires a small amount of your supervisor’s and current employees’ time to develop our benchmark data. After we finish, we refer only highly qualified candidates to save you time.
  • Do you use PAR Excellence for every job order? No, but we can. Although the PAR Excellence process was designed for any role to increase the probability of hiring a top performer, we realize it might not be practical for every hiring need.

Get Help Crafting Your Dream Workforce

Start crafting your dream workforce with help from Vector Technical. Contact us to start the process today.
