When you create a job posting, your goal is to find the ideal candidate. However, if you aren’t finding the kinds of professionals you need or aren’t seeing a decent number of applications, it is possible that something in your vacancy announcement is actually scaring job seekers away.
If you don’t correct the issues, hiring is going to remain challenging. Whether you secure new hires through your own processes or work with temp agencies in Cleveland, Ohio, here is how your job posting may be scaring away candidates.
A Laundry List of Qualifications
When you create a job posting, the tendency is to list everything your perfect candidate would bring to the table. However, if you include all of the items under the “requirements” or “qualifications” heading, you are likely missing out on great job seekers who could excel in the role.
Often, if a job seeker doesn’t have the vast majority of the items on the list, they will screen themselves out of the position. In fact, some professionals won’t apply unless they have 100 percent of what is listed, even if they would be exceptional in the job.
To address this issue, make sure your “must-haves” list is as small as possible. Then, include the other details in a “desirable” skills and experience section.
Mountains of Responsibilities
If your job posting has paragraphs upon paragraphs of responsibilities listed, you are turning off candidates. Just as with resumes, giant walls of text are hard to read, and many job seekers will opt to continue their search instead of trying to sort through all of the information.
Additionally, too many responsibilities can make the role appear overwhelming complex. At times, it may even suggest to candidates that the company expects an unreasonable amount from them, that the hiring manager isn’t entirely sure what the position’s priorities are, or that the organization is just disorganized.
While you do want to include information about the role’s responsibilities, make sure to keep it somewhat brief. Focus on the most important ones and make sure that large paragraphs are broken up to make the content readable.
Not Enough Information
On the other side of the equation, a job posting that is vague or missing certain details won’t attract top talent. If a candidate can’t figure out what the position entails, they probably won’t toss their hat in the ring.
Similarly, if they don’t see a salary range or minimum pay rate listed, skilled professionals may also bypass your job ad. Often, this is because they don’t want to waste time applying if the position won’t pay what they need, and the absence of salary details might lead them to assume that it is inadequate.
Are You Ready to4 Find Top Talent for Your Open Positions?
Vector Technical Inc., one of Cleveland, Ohio’s leading temp agencies, works diligently to make sure local employers are able to reduce their hiring costs while improving their retention rates. Let us find you the candidates you need the first time, giving you the ability to focus on other segments of your business. If you want to hire some of Ohio’s top talent, request an employee today!