Summer Drought? Make Your Vacation Procedure Clear Before the Summer Rush Hits

Summer is an exciting time. A lot of workers look forward to this time of year, especially as many are planning to take vacations.

While most employers want their employees to enjoy some time off, you can’t have everyone scheduled to be away at the same time. This means you need a solid vacation procedure in place before everyone starts submitting their requests.

Whether you only have permanent staff or also hire contract workers through temp agencies in Solon, Ohio, here’s what you need to do.

Set Timelines and Deadlines

If you don’t have defined expectations regarding how much notice is required or when requests must be submitted, now is when you need to get these things in order. Otherwise, you may see leave notices showing up on your desk only a few days before they intend to head out the door.

Determine what you feel is a suitable amount of notice and use that to create deadlines. For example, if you think two weeks is sufficient, then requests to take the day after the fourth of July off need to be submitted on or before June 21.

By setting deadlines, you can ensure that you aren’t left scrambling just because an employee didn’t provide much notice. Plus, any request after the cutoff can be automatically denied if necessary, and that decision will be supported by the policy.

Determine Who Has Priority

If two employees submit requests for the exact same dates, how do you determine which one gets approved and which will be denied? Would you use a “first come, first serve” approach? Factor in the workers’ seniority? Use another differentiator?

Ultimately, you need a procedure in place to deal with these situations, especially around summer holidays when you may see an increase in requests. There is no inherent right or wrong approach, but spelling it out will be helpful for when these conflicts arise.

Clarify Management’s Rights

Employees need to know what management reserves the right to do when it comes to approving, denying, or shifting employee vacation schedules.

Typically, management is most aware of the anticipated demand at that time of year and is better equipped to spot potential issues where being shorthanded would be a challenge. This means its crucial that the proper supervisors have the right level of decision-making authority, but also that employees fully understand why the decision may be necessary.

Plan for Coverage

Even if a team’s workload will be predictable while an employee is away, it’s important to formally arrange for coverage for the missing staff member. This can involve selecting which workers will cover specific duties, which tasks can wait until their return, and if you need to supplement your workforce with temporary team members while they are away.

Planning for coverage is a must. Otherwise, critical tasks may fall through the cracks. So, make sure to review what the employee does on a daily basis and determine which approach is right for you.

Are You Looking to Supplement Your Workforce This Summer?

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