When you need extra money to support your family, picking up some night shifts can be an attractive option. Often, these allow you to spend time with your kids in the evening before you head out to work, helping to keep family commitments under control. A variety of jobs in Painesville, Ohio include the ability to work at night, in either full-time or part-time positions. However, it is important you select the right opportunity that properly fits into your schedule. To help you find the right option for you, here are some tips about picking up extra night shifts.
The Number of Hours
Whether you currently work outside the home or spend your days running the household, you need to make sure that you aren’t taking on more than you can handle when you start working extra shifts. It is easy to overestimate your capacity for work, and taking on too much can leave you exhausted, frustrated, and even irritable or depressed. Try and be realistic about how much you want to add to your schedule before you look for opportunities, as this will help you narrow down which options are actually plausible.
Talk to Your Employer
If you currently work an hourly position in a 24/7 environment, you may be able to pick up extra shifts with your employer. Consider speaking with your manager to let them know you’re interested in adding some hours your schedule and see what is available. Often, this is the easiest place to start, and it generally doesn’t hurt to ask.
Consider the Service Industry
Certain restaurants and retailers have 24-hour operations, and they need staff available at all times. The positions may be more flexible than certain options, so only being available at night might not be an issue, and the amount of skill and experience required at the beginning may not be very substantial. As a bonus, employees in such workplaces often receive discounts whenever they shop or dine there, which can be an added benefit if you pick a location you already enjoy as a customer.
Work with a Temp Agency
When you truly need flexibility when it comes to adding extra shifts, sometimes working with a temporary staffing firm is the best option. Generally, you have the ability to select the assignments that work best with your schedule, and you can choose to focus on short-term opportunities only if you prefer. You can speak with the recruiter about your goals and preferences, and they can concentrate on positions that meet those parameters, making the job hunting portion of the process easier than ever.
Ready for a New Job Opportunity?
If you’re looking for more support during your search for extra night shift work, contact the premier recruitment team at Vector Technical Inc. You can also start the journey yourself. Browse our available jobs anytime, day or night, and submit your online application today!