5 Ways to Show Your Employees You Appreciate Their Hard Work

A large part of any manager’s job is to make sure that employees are actively engaged in their work and feel appreciated on a regular basis. But managers can’t just go around saying “thanks” and expect this to happen. Instead, it’s up to managers to find creative ways to regularly demonstrate appreciation for the hard work and contributions made by employees. After all, without a strong work team, the company would not be where it is today.

Here are some creative ideas to show your employees how much you appreciate their efforts.

Compliments In Front Of Peers

There’s nothing quite like being recognized for a job well done in front of colleagues. Make it a habit to recognize employees who come up with new ideas, go the extra mile to help others, and make a difference in the workplace. Don’t just do this in private – make sure to make a big deal out of it by presenting a token of thanks in front of others in a staff meeting.

Fun Team Activities

Gather the whole team and head off campus for a fun group activity once in a while. This can be a great way to blow off steam, build the team up, and learn more about each other’s strengths. It can also be a nice way of saying thank you for the hard work employees do every day. Try an afternoon of bowling, a picnic lunch in a nearby park, or an outing to a local museum of art.

Give People More

Instead of an average work experience, increase satisfaction at work by improving the scenery, providing more challenging projects, and giving employees a chance to shine. Always recognize the unique gifts that everyone brings to the table. Create pathways to career growth with training and promotions. Give your employees more than they expect.

Develop Incentives

Every workplace should have some form of incentive plan in place, to recognize and reward top performance employees. If not, then create one of your own. Start by purchasing gift cards and movie tickets, then handing them out to deserving employees. Have fun competitions so employees can earn something meaningful – such as a free lunch, half a day off, or some company swagger.

Advancement Opportunities

People who love their jobs also desire the opportunity to grow in their careers. Use this to your advantage by providing career development plans, such as added training and educational support, mentoring, and the chance to stand out in the company. Get positive feedback from other departments about employees and share this with them. Let them speak in front of others in meetings and events.

Remember, as a manager your goal is to recognize and boost your employees up daily. Use the above ideas to accomplish this.

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