Why Everyone Should Take an Hour to Look Back on the Past Year

As the calendar prepares to roll over to the next year, it is often a great time to look toward the future. But, taking a moment to look back on the past year can also be helpful, and is an activity that certainly shouldn’t be neglected.

So, before you commit all of your energy to applying to coveted Lubrizol jobs or taking the next step in your career, here are some reasons why everyone should take an hour to reflect on 2017.

Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

Often, people don’t take much time to celebrate their wins, especially small ones. By dedicating some time to reflect on your achievements, no matter the size, you can boost your mood while also helping to build some momentum for the next year. So, think about what went right and the various ways your succeeded, and give yourself permission to relish in that feeling for a few minutes. It can be a very rejuvenating and rewarding experience, and definitely shouldn’t be skipped.

Consider What You Enjoyed

Another point of reflection can be what you enjoyed about the previous year. This can include personal and professional activities that left you feeling revitalized, empowered, or just plain happy.

Understanding what you enjoyed can help you identify your passions, which can be important if you are considering taking your life or career in a new direction in 2018. Even struggling to find examples can be incredible for gathering insight, as it may indicate a change is in order, even if you weren’t contemplating one before.

Reflect on Regrets

While it can be hard to look back on the opportunities you wish you took, or the time you wish you spent in some other fashion, doing so can help you avoid regrets in the future. Understanding why you are disappointed at how you responded to specific situations can make it easier to act in a more positive way in the future, allowing you to take your life in its ideal direction based on what your assessment.

Lessons Learned

There is something to be learned from almost every experience, especially moments when we may not have performed at our best. If you experienced any challenges or failures during the previous years, consider looking back on them and honestly assessing what happened. By doing so, you can find value in the experience, as you’ll walk away a little wise and better prepared should a similar issue arise again.

After you’ve looked back on the following areas, you should be better positioned to plan for the next year based on your discoveries. Whether that means continuing along your current path or making a change is up to you, but at least you’ll have a stronger foundation upon which to make those decisions.

Ready for a New Job?

If you’re interested finding a new opportunity, contact the recruiters at Vector Technical Inc. You can also start exploring available job opportunities yourself by browsing our list of current vacancies, and submitting an application online to get the process started today!
