Make THESE Habits a Main Point of Your Daily Routine

Did you know that the way you start each work day can influence your overall productivity? It’s true. While there are no scientific studies that dictate specific habits that every successful person must have in order to be successful (since humans tend to follow out own paths) there are some habits of top achievers that anyone can adopt.

Think about people like Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, and Bill Gates – who are all considered to be well-respected leaders in their respective industries. What traits and habits do they share?

Here are some ways you can start your work day right with some positive and healthy habits to help you achieve more in your career:

Have a Regulated Sleep Schedule

Start each day right by being rested and sharp mentally and physically. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning, preferably early. Sleep deprivation stemming from staying up too late, or having a mixed up sleep schedule can ruin your health.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast Every Day

While you may not be a regular breakfast lover, you need to give your body the fuel it needs in the morning to start your day off right. That’s because your body goes without nourishment for up to 8 hours or more while you sleep. At the very least, have some healthy foods at your desk to munch on while you enjoy your morning coffee.

Exercise in the Morning

A strong body can help you to achieve more in life, because you have more energy to commit to problem solving and other aspects of life. Start each day with at least 15 minutes of brisk walking, even if this just means parking your car a little further out from the front door of your office. Or walk around your workplace the long way to conduct errands or visit colleagues in the mornings.

Set up a Daily To-Do List

Your day is about to get hectic. One of the best habits you can form for each morning is to have a pad of paper and pen handy to write down your To-Do list of the day. This can help you stay on task, prioritize your tasks, and keep your work organized.

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